Friday, November 23, 2012


We came down to Tucson on wed. night because my grandparents and aunts and uncles on my Mom's side all live down here. We went to my Uncle's house last night and had a huge dinner...:) However, I did not feel well, so I could not eat very much at all. This morning, we went to my aunt's house for a pancake breakfast that was super super good. We are at her house right now, and will leave tonight. She has one of those dart games and I was soooo bad at first....but....practice makes perfect :) Will post pics later.... My aunt has a goldfish pond in her front yard, and she has a great blue heron fishing for her goldfish in it right now. The heron is HUGE!!!! So neat. We are having so much fun and got to see our cousins who we have not seen in 2-3 years. Mom and Dad and my Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jerry and the girls all got to go hiking in Sabino Canyon yesterday morning. Mom took our labrador, Annie, and she found out you cannot take dogs on the turned around and walked the 4 miles back to my grandparent's house where we are much fun!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012's been a while!!!!!

My lands!!!! I have not been on blogs in ever so long! OK...For a quickish update on happenings...

 We went to Fort Worth in October for the World Miniature Horse Show. My Mom and sisters all got to show, and my mom's horse did super well. She won reserve in all her classes and even won one of them!!!

The people standing by Mom are a father/daughter team who now own Design!
After we got home from worlds, Mom went to Mexico for a week with a friend who was/is going through cancer treatment. The day she got home from Mexico, Lisa went to Oregon to stay with the same lady,(she lives in Oregon), and is still there!! I really miss her and we hope to see her on Monday!!!!

We had a baby horse born while we were in TX!! SOOOO cute!
This weekend, we have our fall church picnic, and then we hopefully get to go to Tucson to be with family over Thanksgiving!!!

 Mom bought a juicer, and we have been making carrot/lemon juice like crazy :) At first, we just made carrot/apple juice, and it made me gag every time I drank it, but the carrot/lemon is not too bad!

My sister's pony... just a cute picture:)
OK.. I think I have completed my update.. now I have to go practice my piano before going to bed ;)