Anna- Sitting at the kitchen table peacefully reading TULIP, a book on Calvinism vs Arminianism.
Lisa and Jessie- Sitting peacefully, (we think), at Lisa's desk working/playing on various "toys". (ie;computers, ipads,etc...)
Mom and Dad- Absent
Anna- Hears a blood-curdling screech from the back room that obviously proceeded from the mouth of both girls.....simultaneously. Jumps up from kitchen table and dashes full tilt towards the end of the house. Finds girls doubled over laughing.
Lisa and Jessie-When breath returns to lungs, explain to a very confused Anna that their toys were giving them trouble, and they decided to let off steam by screaming as loud as possible.
Anna- shakes head and returns to her peaceful reading. (We'll see how long it lasts this time!!!)
Conclusions- Toys are not good for Lisa or Jessie's blood-pressure....
Lisa and Jessie are not good for Anna's blood-pressure.....
Lisa and Jessie have amazing lung power, and can exercise such power quite
heartily when an overwhelming desire comes upon them.....
heartily when an overwhelming desire comes upon them.....
Mom and Dad should not leave too often ;)
Hope you enjoyed your, "Glimpse from the life of the Dales Family"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!